Photo Credit: www.prlog.org
As the end of the summer approaches, many parents are preparing for back-to-school. An important preparation for the new school year is to get your child’s eyes examined. Believe it or not, if your child sees “20/20,” that does not mean they have perfect vision. According to Sullivan Benefits, more than 12.1 million school-age children (almost 25 percent) have vision impairments! If detected early enough, most eye problems in children can be corrected.

Photo Credit: https://nearsay.com/c/518068/117447/5-signs-your-child-is-having-trouble-seeing-at-school
The most common types of eye problems seen in children are:
-Amblyopia (Lazy eye)
-Myopia (Nearsightedness)
-Strabismus (Crossed eyes)
Some signs your child might be experiencing impaired vision are:
-Squinting or rubbing eyes
-Sensitivity to light
-Holding books close to read or sitting close to the TV
-Blurred or double vision
-Wandering or crossed eyes
-Difficulty copying from the board at school
-Burning, itching, red or watery eyes
-Headaches or pain in the eyes
-Tilting head
If your child exhibits any of these problems,
schedule an appointment with us today to have them evaluated.

Taking measures to protect eyes can prevent other issues
-Wear protective eyewear while participating in sports or recreational activities
-Ensure toys are age-appropriate (watch for sharp or protruding objects)
-When watching a screen such as a computer, TV or phone, follow the 20/20/20 rule- Every 20 minutes look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds
-Wear sunglasses when outside that have 99 or 100% UVA and UVB protection

If something were to harm a child’s eyes, here are some first aid tips:
-If a sharp object gets stuck in an eye, do not pull the object out. Put a loose bandage over it (if able) and go see a doctor immediately.
-If an eye gets hit with a hard object, put a cold compress on the eye for at least 15 minutes to help reduce pain and swelling.
-If chemicals splash in an eye, wash the eye out with water for at least 10 minutes, then see a doctor immediately.
-If particles like dust or sand get into the eyes, do not rub them. Wash eyes out with water. If this does not work, go see your eye care professional.
To schedule an appointment, please call the office at (631) 740-9384