Pediatric & Adolescent Eye Care

Pediatric Eye Care: Young Boy having his eyes checked

InfantSEE Providers

Both Dr. Zilnicki & Dr. Licausi are InfantSEE providers. Under this program participating optometrists provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment between 6 and 12 months of age as a no-cost public service.

The American Optometric Association recommends scheduling your baby’s first eye assessment at 6 months of age, even if there are no apparent concerns.  Dr.s’ Licausi and Zilnicki will test for high or uneven refractive error, eye movement ability and any other eye health issues.

Although these issues are not common, it is imperative to identify children with the above conditions as young as possible.  Early intervention is the key to treatment!

For any more information, visit the InfantSEE Website:

Pediatric/Young Adolescent Exams:

It is essential that children receive a comprehensive eye exam on a yearly basis. The AOA recommends the following:

Patient Age Examination Interval
  Asymptomatic/Risk Free At Risk
Birth to 24 Months At 6 months of age By 6 months of age or as recommended
2 to 5 years At 3 years of age At 3 years of age or as recommended
6 to 18 years Before first grade and every two years thereafter Annually or as recommended

Visit the AOA website to learn more about eye exams for your kids!


Schedule your child for a pediatric eye care appointment by calling (631) 740-9384